Historic Keystone Stairs Rehabilitation RFQ

Primary Property Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2023

In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, public notice is hereby given that the Miami Town Council may consider increasing the primary property tax rate for fiscal year 2023. The final levy amount may be increased over the approved levy for Fiscal Year 2022 due to increases in property value, or the Council may consider an increase… Continue reading Primary Property Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2023

Notice of Pending Financial Statement Filing

Date: March 30, 2022 Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §9-481 requires cities and towns to file a copy of their financial statements with the Office of the Auditor General pursuant to A.R.S. §41-1279.07 within 9 months after the close of each fiscal year. These financial statements must be posted in a prominent location on the City’s… Continue reading Notice of Pending Financial Statement Filing

Public Notice: Call of Election

Ordinance No. 386 – Mackey’s Camp Road Easements

Protected: Work Request Form

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Ordinance 385- Nomination Papers Filing Update

FY22 Final Official Budget Forms

FY22 Final Official Budget Forms Schedules A, B, C, D, E, G

Budget Public Hearing Notice

Primary Property Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2022

In accordance with A.R.S. §9-499.15, public notice is hereby given that the Miami Town Council may consider increasing the primary property tax rate for fiscal year 2022. The final levy amount may be increased over the approved levy for Fiscal Year 2021 due to increases in property value, or the Council may consider an increase… Continue reading Primary Property Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2022